End-point assessment is matched to the specific apprenticeship standard, and so varies between apprenticeships. The employer group which developed the apprenticeship also decides what the EPA will entail. This way they can be sure that the assessment will be fair and based on what they have learnt during their apprenticeship training. They produce an ‘assessment plan’ outlining the end-point assessment and submit it to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education for approval.
Although there’s no common format for EPA it’s likely that a food industry end-point assessment would involve a combination of the following:
multiple choice tests
workplace project
observed practical skills test
professional discussion with independent assessor
To find out what’s involved in a specific apprenticeship see the Institute for Apprenticeships standard page. Here you can search for an apprenticeship and download the assessment plan.
What happens at End-point Assessment

End-point Assessment
An apprenticeship end-point assessment (EPA) is the final stage of an apprenticeship program. Designed to ensure that apprentices have gained the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors required for their standard.
How will I know when my apprentice is ready for end-point assessment?
The earliest an EPA can take place is 12 months after the apprenticeship began, though usually it is later than this. Once the apprentice has completed all the requirements of the apprenticeship standard they enter what is called the ‘gateway’ to end-point assessment. The gateway simply means a period of review between employer and apprentice, often involving the training provider. Providing all are satisfied that the requirements have been met the employer ‘signs off ‘ the apprentice as ready for EPA.
Who can deliver EPA?
End-point assessment can only be delivered by independent end-point assessment organisations, approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The ESFA hold a register of approved EPA organisations and employers are free to choose from this.
End-point assessment is the last and most important stage of an apprenticeship, both for the employer and the apprentice. So it’s important that both have confidence in their end-point assessment organisation. This handy checklist might be useful when choosing an EPA organisation for your apprentice.
Are their assessor’s experts in the occupation? Yes/ No
Have they delivered EPA in this occupation before? Yes/ No
Is their service independently quality assured? Yes/ No
Do they provide support materials to help my apprentice prepare? Yes/ No
Will they work with me to tailor the EPA to my business ? Yes/ No
Is this an organisation I can trust? Yes/ No
What to look out for when selecting an EPA organisation
Interested in taking on an apprentice? You’re in good company – 85% of employers would recommend apprenticeships to other employers. Check out the apprenticeship pages to find the right food industry apprenticeship for your business

As the methods of assessment vary, the cost of EPA varies between apprenticeships, and even within the same apprenticeships. This is because individual factors, such as the location of the EPA need to be considered. Government funding for end-point assessment is part of the overall apprenticeship funding. Twenty percent of the total government funding for an apprenticeship is held back to cover EPA, though the final cost of the EPA may be less than this. For more information on end-point assessment, contact us.