The Aim of Baker Apprenticeships
apprenticeship standards are developed ‘by employers for employers.’ Nobody knows better what is needed in a job role than the employers themselves.
“Apprentices bring a new energy to the business, a new way of thinking”

Apprenticeship Information
A career in this field can be found in the new product development departments of bakery ingredient suppliers or within the craft and production bakery industry. The profession can also be found in other hospitality-related fields, such as large fine dining kitchens.
The Level 3 Lead Baker End-Point assessment (EPA) consists of three elements:
Knowledge Test
Observation with questions
Interview underpinned by a portfolio
The end point assessment is typically completed within a length period of 3 months.
The apprenticeship standard will soon be added to our 2023 EPA Fees Guide for more details on pricing.
Bakers today are involved in so much more than simply baking bread. Every day bakers make and sell not only millions of loaves but also cakes, pies, pasties and biscuits. So, bread-making is just one of the bakery skills an apprentice baker will learn as part of their bakery apprenticeship

Level 3 Lead Baker
Opportunities in this field include roles within the new product development departments of bakery ingredient suppliers, as well as positions within the craft and production bakery industry. Additionally, professionals in this field may find employment in other hospitality-related sectors, including large fine dining kitchens.
Baker Apprenticeship Funding
This standard has a maximum funding rate of £9,000. Funding for the Lead Baker apprenticeship is either via co-investment with government or the Apprentice Levy.
Large food manufacturers (with a wage bill over £3million pa) fund their apprenticeships through the levy. The levy is collected by HMRC at a rate of 0.5% of a business’s monthly wage bill.
Smaller employers (with an annual wage bill below £3m) fund their apprenticeships through co-investment with government, though now they need only contribute 5% of their apprentices training costs. For employers with less than 50 employees that 5% is waived if their apprentice is between 16-18 years or between 19-24 and has a local authority education, health and care plan or has been in the care of a local authority.
All employers are now able to negotiate with their approved training provider to get good value brewing industry training that suits their business. They are also free to choose their preferred end-point assessment organisation.
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Apprenticeship Funding
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