IfATE Nationwide consultation for the revised Level 2 Butcher assessment plan
The IfATE has today opened the nationwide consultation for the revised Level 2 Butcher assessment plan, it’s a short window until 25th February for the wider meat industry to have their say on the content and suggested method of assessments.
As a Butchery apprenticeship centre in England and following nearly nine years since the first butcher completed the revised programme, FTC would like to make you aware of an important Consultation that needs your attention. It aims to make sure the next generation of apprentice butchers are following the right occupational standards. In addition to completing the consultation from your own institution perspective, please do forward on the consultation to employers too.

Message from IfATE:
How you can help?
'These short surveys will take no more than ten minutes to complete. Your feedback will help ensure that any apprenticeships that are developed meet the training needs of relevant occupations, and that new apprenticeships are viable, high quality, and widely supported. In particular, we are keen to avoid duplicating apprenticeships that have already been published or are already in development.'
'Please be assured this survey is anonymous and any information collated would be used in strict confidence.'
If you would like to be added to the consultation distribution list please email IFASubmission.CONSULTATION@education.gov.uk